> -----Original Message-----
> Subject:      Re: FINAL CALL! TWANGFEST!
>  Here are some of the rumored headliners for the
> event.
>       Charlie Feathers
>       Gene Clark
>       Stoney Edwards
>       Phil Ochs
>       Bryan White
        [Matt Benz]  KIp: I think we've got Bryan White confirmed: he's
agreed to do the show for a call girl and a chicken dinner, and uh,
$50,000, which is damn chump change for us! Other good news: looks like
Shields & Yarnell will emcee for us, which means 3 nights of Mime! Wow.
Myself, I can't wait for that; anything's better than that mega pain in
the ass Yates: He damn near ran thru my entire month's supply of blow,
and jesus, we're still paying for that escapade of his with the monkey!
Got a call back from Dwight; we talked for awhile. You know that his gal
Bridget and I go way back; yeh, yeh, that whole affair back in 85. Hey,
I was young! We can laugh about it now, and she'll probably make the
trip with D; Hey,- here's some news: he's gonna do all covers for TF!!
Won't that be cool? Everybody likes his cover versions. I'm still
"Negotiating" with Sara Evans; I'll let you know how *that* goes...heh
heh heh. Aww, the life of a music biz mogul!  Hey, did you know that
Ryan Adams and Bryan Adams have the same booking agent? Gad dam, I spent
dam near a half hour just trying to get the secretary to understand who
I was talking about! Anyway, I got Bryan Adams for friday night. He
promised to do "Cuts Like A Knife."

        More later,

>       love, 
>       Your Twang Gang

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