>On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, the subject of many a Meat Purveyor song wrote

Just to let y'all know, our little love letter to my former future
ex-husband is coming along nicely and will be good and ready by the P2 SXSW
BBQ. Which brings me to the party.... okay, I'm finally sending out the
invite info to the mailing list from last year (let me know if you don't
get one and you want one). It's gonna be Thursday the 18th so's not to
conflict with the ND party. That means everyone must get to Austin by
Wednesday night. OK? OK! Anyway, details are in the email going out right
about now.

meat purveyor.

p.s. thanks a bazillion to everyone who thought of us for the 1998 P2 poll.
It felt real nice to be in such good company.

p.p.s. recording I'm espcially excited about right now: Daniel Johnston's
new one. Good god almighty.

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