Reply to:   RE: She don't impress me much
Thank you, Mike. Shania Twain may fit a calendar pictorial. But her music is the same 
fake country as the music of Fart Brooks and Silly Ray Virus.

Hans P.

NP: Tom Russell, The Man From God Knows Where

Mike Woods wrote:
>Just watched Shania Twain on Letterman.  Whatever it was, even though
>there was a steel guitar onstage, it sure wasn't country.  Lots of great
>prancing and grimacing from her band.  Nice nipples, too.
>Presumably she was on there to plug her big upcoming network show.  Dave
>asked her about it, and she couldn't <giggle> remember the exact date.
>She did mention that every night before her show, all alone on her bus,
>she turns on the Backstreet Boys and gets down.  All I know about the
>Backstreet Boys is what my daughters tell me.  The 17-year old thinks they
>suck.  The 10-year old, who also digs the Spice Girls, think they rawk.  I
>think I know what I need to know.
>-- Mike Woods
>-- Honky Tonk Curmudgeons

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