Just watched Shania Twain on Letterman.  Whatever it was, even though
there was a steel guitar onstage, it sure wasn't country.  Lots of great
prancing and grimacing from her band.  Nice nipples, too.

Presumably she was on there to plug her big upcoming network show.  Dave
asked her about it, and she couldn't <giggle> remember the exact date.

She did mention that every night before her show, all alone on her bus,
she turns on the Backstreet Boys and gets down.  All I know about the
Backstreet Boys is what my daughters tell me.  The 17-year old thinks they
suck.  The 10-year old, who also digs the Spice Girls, think they rawk.  I
think I know what I need to know.

-- Mike Woods
-- Honky Tonk Curmudgeons

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