>     country) I thought back to the usual P2 debates, and wuz struck by how
>     right Jon's been in the past to point out that the altcountry vs. HNC
>     battles often aren't, emotionally, so much about which is "real"
>     country so much as a difference in taste about the type of rock
>     involved in each case.
>     I am coming round to thinking that what we're seeing is the fact that
>     rock in one form or another has overtaken country so much in the
>     culture that it feels like "roots" music to a broad demographic that
>     includes a lot of the former core country audience, so that
>     stone-traditional country is very marginal to all the commercially
>     partway viable versions.
>     Carl W.

This really resonates with me. My kneejerk reaction upon hearing HNC stuff
is usually to claim that "it's not real country," or something like "Oh,
that's just bland AC pop/rock with a steel guitar and a fiddle thrown in."
In light of Carl's comments, however, it does seem that my aversion is less
the lack of "realness" of the country elements than my disdain for the
particular type of rock that seems to be forming the basis of the song.
Shania's easy slide into Celine Dion/Mariah Carey/Diva territory only adds
to fuel to this fire.

So, I wonder, with the "alt" stuff that I do really like, are they actually
performing a "truer" version of country music, or do I just like their
brand of rock better? And are they basically doing the *same* thing as the
HNC folks when it comes to the country side of their sound, only w/ a
different type of rock blended in?

The bigger question that begs itself is whether "country" is, at this
point, just a set of superficial stylistic options that mark your specific
style of rock as "country" -- the inclusion of a steel or a fiddle,  a
twangy tele, a shuffle or train drum beat, alternating 5ths on the bass,
etc. Is there a such thing as real country music, or only country-flavored
rock? Playing in a band, I struggle with this all the time.  Are we playing
country?  Or are we just pop/rock band copping a country flouish here and
there?  How the hell do you tell the difference? What is that essence, that
musical/lyrical core that puts you in the first camp rather than the
second?  (I also wonder whether it really matters, but reading 150 P2
messages a day certainly makes one sensitive to such questions <g>.)

The problem is, identifying country is a bit like identifying obscenity --
you can't define it, but you know it when you hear/see it.  Much of the
time you end up at a point where the criteria is essentially that someone
-- radio stations identified as country, a record company, critics, people
on p2 -- *says* you're country. Or you fall back to an invocation of
ratified country greats that exemplify country and see how a given band
compares.  Many times it seems that country "realness" is defined in
relation to the lack of identifiable rock/pop elements in the sound. The
"P1"  bands (Tupelo, W-town, Old 97s) get slighted quite often, I think,
because their rock elements are so strong that somehow, the logic suggests,
they can't be real country, or they're only country in a superficial sense.
What's interesting about these conversations is how often they work
backward to a point before the advent of rock-n-roll, with "real" country
exemplified by artists from the 30s and 40s, before the fall from grace.
(It should come as no surprise, I think, that the icon and apotheosis of
country music, Hank Williams, died literally on the eve of the rock-n-roll
era.) Of course even a cursory study of these earlier periods shows that
"country" was just as contested a term then, and that many critics then
were looking back to the 20s and earlier for "real" country music.

I'd be interested to hear country defined in the positive -- that is by
actually naming the musical elements that make something country rather
than by saying what it's *not*.  While I'm quite sure we'd never get to a
definition, nor would we necessarily want to, it would be illuminating to
see the battles over which elements are crucial, which are expendable, and
so on (I wonder where "working class background" would fall on the list
<g>.) My guess is that for every supposed criterion there are too many
examples of country songs that *don't* include it to get anything on the
list. And perhaps it would explode some of the
poseur/carpetbagger/mistrelsy charges that float around here all too often.

Just some thoughts...

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