Hello subscribees-

As some of you may (or may not) have noticed, I enlisted the help and
generosity of one our subscribers to move the listservs for the twangfest
list and p2ontour as I prepare to move and leave behind the ISP that used to
host these mailing lists.  Our own lovely twang goddess Meshel has come
forth and prepared to have these lists seamlessly transferred over to their
new home at nashvegas.com.  A big 'round of applause is in order for her
efforts on our behalf.

We'd like to make this transition as soon as possible, so begin now!  Change
your address books to reflect the domain change from world.std.com to these
new posting addresses below.


If you've been a subscriber, you should be all set up on the new server.  If
something goes wrong, or you need to subscribe or unsubscribe to either
list, please use the nifty little form that Meshel (the twang ISP goddess)
set up for us at this address.

See you in Nashvegas, literally<g>.

your retired p2ontour and twangfest listmom

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