It's debatable, but I'd say he doesn't WANT to repeat himself,
and if that means no more short punk songs, or acoustic
hearttuggers full of brilliant images & lyrics, then who are we
as fans to say no?  Sure, I'll miss them, and I might play _Tim_
more than _Suicaine Gratification_, but I'll always be there day of
release, cash in hand.   If he's willing to suffer sales to follow his
muse, so be it.

I'd say he could crank out Tim II, Tim III, and Tim IV at will.
But that'd be safe and predictable, and from an Allstar gossip
forum, here's what he says about that - 

allstar contributor Aidin Vaziri sure knows how to
pose the perfect question. In his recent interview
with former Replacements leader Paul Westerberg, he
asked,  "When the Replacements were around, Guns N'
Roses was considered the enemy. Do you consider Tommy
Stinson a traitor because he's become a member of
Axl's gang?"  Westerberg responded, "Well, I'm joining
Night Ranger. You know, I think it's OK. Josh Freese,
the drummer who also played with me and is now playing
with Tommy, called me way back and was like, 'I got
this offer and I don't know what to do.' He and Tommy
were both hesitant, and I told them to go for it. You
only regret something like that if you don't do it. I
mean, why not? If everybody says it's a mistake, then
you know you really got something. If everybody
encourages you, you know that it's lame and it's safe.
It's always right to do the thing that most people are
afraid to do, so my hat's off to him.'


> <<    Oh contraire, I'm glad Westerberg grew up. Now I just wish he'd
>  stop making crappy music. Or are you making the case that artists of a
>  certain age aren't capable of being as good as they were in their youth? >>
Neal definitely said the below...

> Well, I, for one, will make the case that in the case of Paul Westerberg it
> does seem to be the case that he isn't capable of being as good as he was in
> his youth. And it pains me to say it every time I say it. 
> A case study.
> Neal Weiss

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