Greetings from the Ditch!

Hope everyone had a happy holiday, I know we all Did...

The new year finds us finishing up the tracks for our new CD, which we hope to have 
out in February...  we will keep you posted!

The reason for this message is to invite you down to The Star Bar on Wednesday, 
January 20th. It seems that there will
be a presentation of our music, by us, for you, there then.   We would love to have 
you come out and join us!

Here's the list of shows.. expect more as time goes by!

Wednesday, January 20th - Atlanta, GA - The Star Bar!
Saturday,    February 27th- Atlanta, GA, - The Dark Horse Tavern w/The Blastmen!

That's it for the moment.   Take care and we will see you Wednesday night!

The Ditchdiggers

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