Part of what Jon said,

>I could go album by album and point out stuff on each and
>every one of them that is more hardcore country than about half of the P2
>top 10 albums all put together, by just about any standard you can think

More part of what Jon said,

>However, please note that I and others who seem not to see Garth as
>outstandingly awful are not the ones who keep bringing him up and

I agree with Jon.

I have all of his stuff - some used; some new and I enjoy it and I enjoy him
and I
still fail to understand how he has managed to inherit the role of 'poster
boy' for all 'that's wrong' with
'country' music, or 'music' in general for that matter.

I cheered for Mr. McGwire and I am hoping Mr. Brooks achieves his goal as
well.  I believe
that this man's ultimate influence on the music industry has yet to be
felt - there will come a time when artist
turns to 'owning and influencing' and I truly believe when he does this, he
will truly become one of the most powerful
and positive music forces we have ever seen.  This man will not stand still.

Anyway, we shall see ......

Cecil's Cousin

PS - Ever notice how much The Gourds remind you of The Band?

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