What is hardcore country?
Is it like a mixture of hardcore (punk, that is) and country, or is it
some kind of pure country going back to it's roots (like, maybe, The
Carter or Watson families)?

And, maybe, Garth doesn't epitomize everything that's wrong with
And I assume he probably isn't the worst.
But if he isn't, I hope I never ever get the chance to hear the worst
(especially the way all of us have a chance to hear Garth, around every
turn, there he is).

The influence thing is another story.  I think he is already
(negatively) influencing lot's of people (notice I did not say artist,
cause these guys aren't, unless they design their own stupid looking
shirts and dance rutines--i.e. they don't write or even perform [yes, I
said perform--I'd like to see the band Garth Brooks put together before
the label was involved] the songs they present as their own).

Oh yeah, The Gourds do sound a little (sometimes a lot) like The Band. 
The influence was not intentional until everyone started telling them
exactly what you just said.  Then, they started listening to The Band,
and, subsequently, got a little more Band-like ('cause The Band was
amazing).  The two new members extreme badassness help to make the
Band-like songs (and Band covers, too) sound even more like the real

--Matt Cook

"Billie Joel is my hero"--Garth Brooks

Phil Connor wrote:
> Part of what Jon said,
> >I could go album by album and point out stuff on each and
> >every one of them that is more hardcore country than about half of the P2
> >top 10 albums all put together, by just about any standard you can think
> of.

> I have all of his stuff - some used; some new and I enjoy it and I enjoy him
> and I
> still fail to understand how he has managed to inherit the role of 'poster
> boy' for all 'that's wrong' with
> 'country' music, or 'music' in general for that matter.
> I cheered for Mr. McGwire and I am hoping Mr. Brooks achieves his goal as
> well.  I believe
> that this man's ultimate influence on the music industry has yet to be
> felt - there will come a time when artist
> turns to 'owning and influencing' and I truly believe when he does this, he
> will truly become one of the most powerful
> and positive music forces we have ever seen.  This man will not stand still.
> Anyway, we shall see ......
> Cecil's Cousin
> PS - Ever notice how much The Gourds remind you of The Band?

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