>Joe P-2 Just Wasn't The Same Without Joe Gracey Welcome Back Horn
>Third Coast

I finally got moved. Everything is still in boxes. I never knew how much
shit I have. When I was single, everything I ever needed or owned would fit
in an army surplus footlocker. Sleeping bag, clean t-shirt and pair of
Levis', a frying pan. That and a cooler was all a man ever really needed to
survive. A Buck knife serves well as a general purpose kitchen tool. Use it
like a spoon, a fork, a spatula, a egg whip. a can opener, and you can cut
stuff with it too.

Got a new address, new phone number that I ain't learned yet, and this
months issue of the Twangzine will be real late. Oh well, I'll refund
everyone's subscription money. 

Sure is good to see Gracey here again. If he's back that only can mean one
thing, Kimmie's new album is mixed and in the can. SO what's the word
goat-boy? When's it gonna hit the street? What's it sound like? Gabe on it?
You on it? Who else is on it? Does it suck?

>PS: Anyone know of a place to search for evidence of a person's
involvement as
>a soldier in the Vietnam war? (can't say why)

Ask to see their DD-214.

Jeff Wall           
 http://www.twangzine.com The Webs least sucky music magazine
3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

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