<< np Steve & The McCourys (write me offlist and I'll tell you how much I
 really think it stinks! <g>)>>

You know, without a <g>, I gave this album a close listen the other night and
found myself kinda disappointed. I'm thinking that while Earle's love for
bluegrass is quite admirable, it isn't necessarily his greatest strength as an
artist and thus wears thin over an entire album, especially so when
considering that this someone whose genuine greatness is due in part to his
ability to bring all sorts of styles into the mix or to flat-out genre hop and
still keep it his own. Plus, he's never been the most gifted vocalist and here
that weakness seems much more pronounced. This might be the first post-rehab
Earle album I consider less than essential. For completists only?

Neal Weiss
np - Damnations TX

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