Excerpts from internet.listserv.postcard2: 2-Feb-99 RE: songs of love
and hate by Michele Flannery@spinner 
> Pie is tasty bribe, but mail pie?  
> Will the delicious filling ship packed in the crust ? 

I once cajoled a girlfriend into shipping me a cheesecake across the
country.  It arrived in pretty good shape.  For my birthday, my
stepmother annually sends me a chocolate torte from San Francisco.  So
far I've had pretty good experiences with baked goods in the mail.

Carl Z.

P.S. No, I will not accept fruitcake.

P.P.S. Any further discussion of pie shoudl move over to the fluff
channel, unless it's something like Greg Klymaa's "Mmmmm...pie". 

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