>It originally appeared on TIME FADES AWAY, the live document of the HARVEST
>tour, warts and all. I'd like to see that one reissued almost as much as ON

>son don't be home too late,

Don't count on it, and not just because of the mega-comp that's coming out.
I read an interview with Neil some years back in which he said something to
the effect of: "My albums sound like shit on CD. Buy them on vinyl." Like I
said, this has been years now--which in beer-time is damn-near
generations--but I'm pretty sure it was in reference to Tonight's the Night
being released on CD--and the potential for On the Beach and Time Fades Away
being released on CD as well. Maybe these 32 CDs will contain generous
chunks of OTB and TFA because these are two essential Neil LPs. But, until
further notice, they will remain LPs.

Lance . . .

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