lance davis wrote:

> I read an interview with Neil some years back in which he said something to
> the effect of: "My albums sound like shit on CD. Buy them on vinyl." Like I
> said, this has been years now--which in beer-time is damn-near
> generations--but I'm pretty sure it was in reference to Tonight's the Night
> being released on CD--and the potential for On the Beach and Time Fades Away
> being released on CD as well.

Tonight is certainly available in Europe, if not on your side of the pond.  I
should know, I just ordered it, having dug out my tape copy to find it past
redemption.  There are some nasty nasty bootlegged releases around of interest -
someone has squeezed hawks and doves and on the beach onto a cd.  Been tempted
but have valiantly resisted handing over cash to the crooks.  I do have a tape
copy of the Chrome Dreams boot which is pretty damn thrilling


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