In a message dated 2/3/99 1:11:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<Presumably, that
waiver is the price they're being asked to pay in order to have access to
potential buyers, bookers, etc.>>

(This may not be on their web site, I have not looked at it but the guy I know
there told me this)  It is my impression that Global Media has a way in the
works that a person can download certain songs thru them and make custom CD's,
and that artist will be paid from the record sales there on a per song basis.

I have a fax from them that says in order to broadcast a song, they need
"Proof of mechanical rights, Signed waver of copyright holders allowing Global
Media COrp to broadcast specific thracks on internet web site"

I guess, they just don't want to pay to play your song, but will pay if
someone buys it. Is this right? This is how I understood it from Bruce
Paisley. I thought Bruce was an ok guy. I met him when he worked for Dwight
Yoakum years ago, and he seemed ok, but hell, what do I know? 

I also got the impression from Bruce that they were really going to pump up
each artist they play with bios and graphics and all kinds of crap like
that.... who knows...... I would sure hate for him to turn out to be a big ass

Lets face it, if it turns out to be a crock then it won't be the first time I
ever got screwed. And hell, I look at my music as something I want to share.
If someone wants to bootleg me, more power to 'em. Let karma take care of it
if they make a lot of dough and I end up eating peanut butter the rest of my
life. Yes, I like and need to be paid, but I am the kind that would stand out
on a corner on Beale and play for nothin just to be playing. 

It's great that many of the "hip cool public commercial free radio stations"
play our stuff, but not all of them are hip enough like Mike to report it.

Long live Mike 
Long live Mike 
Long live Twangcast.........

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