In a message dated 99-02-02 23:36:55 EST, you write:

<< It's great that many of the "hip cool public commercial free radio
 play our stuff, but not all of them are hip enough like Mike to report it.

I dont' wantto overplay this but...yea!

This whole thing reminds me of a party that I once helped organize at a VFW
Hall here in Hoboken that was very cool for awhile. They wanted to have this
Valentines Day party and it was to be a big deal, adn they poured all this
money into beer, and cups, and a one night license and an ad, and then when it
came to the band, well, they had nothing. But it was such a great deal, they
convinced me to convince the bands that there was nothing for them, but hey,
it was such a great experience. 

And then at the last minute they paid someone 150 dollars to make a Valentines
Day balloon sculpture for the stage. 


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