> Terry Smith wrote:
> "If I remember correctly, when Mike Ireland and Holler came out with their
> debut last year, Ireland repeatedly mentioned Charlie Rich's work from the
> mid-60s as a major influence, specifically noting the sophisticated
> arrangements, with strings, horns, etc."
Then Lance corrected me:

> The Charlie Rich material Ireland is thinking of
here might be the
> work done with Billy Sherrill after the Smash stuff and before Charlie
> finally made money with Sherrill as the Silver Fox. These have been
> released on Koch: "Set Me Free," "The Fabulous Charlie Rich" and "Boss
> Man".
I'm surprised it took so long for someone to correct me on this. I posted
that Charlie Rich/Mike Ireland comment a month or two ago at least, and
almost as soon as I sent it out, I realized, hey, wait a minute, Ireland
has cited the later CR stuff, not the Smash stuff, as an influence. Oh
well. -- Terry Smith

ps I caught James McMurtry at Slim's in San Francisco over the weekend.  I
was surprised at the size of the crowd; the place was jammed. I'm
wondering if that's because SF is just such a big town, and everybody does
well there, or if JM is especially popular on the west coast. I've gotta
think that if he played in Columbus, he might draw about 25 people. Maybe
I'm wrong. Anyhow, Slim's wasa cracking club, though McMurtry's stuff,
after about an hour, started sounding the same. I was listening to it
through about four pounds of congestion in my ears and nose, so that might
have been a negative factor...

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