>Um...if its all the same to you, can we kindly refrain from using the
>words "Buddy" and "on the way down" in the same sentance?  Er...

>>Ok..how's this?
>>BUDDY Woodward and those fantabulodiddlyumpshadelic Ghost Rockets
>>will be playing Capital City Barn Dance in Richmond, Virginia ON
>>2/7 with Elena Skye and Honky Tonk Confidential and maybe another
>>band; if anybody needs directions I know THE WAY DOWN.
>>Oh...should I take out the semicolon? <g>

Heh heh, I always said you wuz a good writer, Geff...
But can we refrain from using BUDDY and COLON in the...oh nevermind.
Your Phrase Here Rockets
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                     Buddy Woodward  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       THE GHOST ROCKETS - "Maximum Rhythm & Bluegrass"
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