Just had a nice conversation with Bruce Paisley, owner/operator of the site recently discussed here and I believe his heart is in the right place, his biggest problem being the wording of the web site which he admits is a bit vague on the rights issue. It seems like he'll re-do the wording and specify the exact terms of the agreement with artists for the use of the songs. He assured me no one will be asked to give up publishing or songwriter rights.  He's an admitted newbie to netcasting, stumbling a little blindly in the dark and looking for advice.  Can't blame a guy for not knowing, just a lack of research plus the fact he's in Canada, the Real server he's going to use is in the US and the listeners can be anywhere it does raise some interesting questions.
Mike Hays
http://www.TwangCast.com  TM  RealCountry  24 X 7
Please Visit Then let us know what you think!
Mike Hays www.MikeHays.RealCountry.net
For the best country artist web hosting, www.RealCountry.net

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