Jon J wrote about cueers in quountry music:
     >A lot of the old taboos have fallen in the last ten years or so, but 
     >that's still the Big One.  The eventual emergence of the first openly 
     >gay country music star is going to be one of the more fascinating 
     >milestones in country music when it finally happens.
     Not that I believe in polls exactly, but there was an interesting 
     survey showing last year showing that homophobia truly is the last 
     bastion of open intolerance in America. The authors did in-depth 
     interviews with hundreds of very average middle-class people across 
     the country, found them much more open-minded about race than anyone 
     expected (tons of them brought up family members who were in 
     interracial couples as a factor that made them reevaluate prejudice), 
     but quite virulent in opposition to homosexuality. Though most of them 
     stopped short of hate-mongering, or even saying it should be a crime 
     etc, they did honestly think it a sin. And disgusting too of course. 
     That'd pretty much be the soccer-mom demographic country radio aims 
     for, and I'd be pretty surprised if a gay or lesbian country star can 
     break through before this changes. (Which I foolishly imagine it will 
     by the time today's late-adolescents are grown, because no reasonably 
     educated kids I meet now seem to be shocked by homosexuality anymore. 
     But y'never know.)
     Not that rock-based pop music or, for god's sakes, hip-hop are 
     terrifically open-minded on the matter either, but it is pretty hard 
     to imagine even a country equivalent of Marilyn Manson's level of 
     androgyny (a good example since he makes a big deal of being 
     straight), much less an out-and-proud pop twanger.
     carl w.

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