
> <<Oh for christ sake...the fact that K.D. made her anti-meat
> sentiments loudly known had a lot less to do with her lack of success in
> the country market than the fact that she didn't look/act the way
> succesful Top 40 female artists are supposed to look/act.>>


> There seem to be several other P2ers who disagree with your take on that. Is
> it your opinion or do you have any way to prove that?
        It would be just about impossible to "prove" either way. There
aren't statistics available on the acceptance of country audiences 
to to gay performers, other than the utter lack of commerically
successful openly gay artists.  
> <<  There are several lesbians in country music who have done quite well.>

>       Oh really? By all means, name even one successful *openly* gay
>  country artist, male or female.  >>
        <I never said they were out, bubba.
        Exactly. Look, I'm not trying to pick on country music fans: I'm a
huge country music fan! But historically, it's not been the most tolerant
of uh, alternative lifestyles. That's not exactly a news flash.

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