Here's the info:

Yes, the Sutler show is still on. The lineup is Jim Lauderdale, Duane, Rosie
Flores, Bill Lloyd, Joy Lynn White, and many others. $10; silent auction at
6:30. Show starts at 7. It will now be a benefit for the family.

> << To all you P2'ers out there who will be attending Nashville's NEA this
>   weekend. Here's a big invite out to Wolfy's on lower Broadway. Crowd of
>   will be playing Friday night( 10pm) along with other roots/rock acts Duane
>   Jarvis and Victor Mecynee. Hope to see you there >>
>  Speaking of Jarvis, I'm hearing from Marvin Etzioni that he and Jarvis and
>  others (Lucinda? maybe) are gonna be participating in a memorial gig for
>  Donald Lindley on Sunday in Nashville. I suspect it could be quite the 
> special
>  engagement. 
>  Hunkered down in way too many deadlines..

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