On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Scott Rouse wrote:

> I'm not familiar with your record or the one your friend Greg Garing
> did.  I'll bet they are both really good and very innovative with a lot
> of great singing. 

Actually, Scott, I know Greg Garing about as much as I know you.<g>  Both
of you are strangers to me.  It's quite possible to like someone's work
without bein' friends with 'em, ya know.  Heck, I do it all the time! In
fact, while I guess you can say I'm friendly with a buncha different
musicians, I try not to get too close.  Tends to put a damper on the
credibility.  Also, I wasn't aware that I *had* a record.  You can rest
assured though that if I did, I sure wouldn't want to hear it.<g>  Anyway,
I'm glad to hear that GrooveGrass has evolved since the recording that I
just heard.  I'll keep my eyes open for more, but so far all I've heard is
the GrooveGrass 101 album (which you don't seem to be too happy with
yourself) and the Macarena single -- neither one of which I'd consider to
be a cultural high point.<g>--don

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