>That is:  do radio broadcasts add compression to the recording being
Yes and NO.  At my previous station we used compression of an MP3 type to
store audio on hard drives.  It wasn't MP3 but something close that reduced
file storage size w/o killing sound quality and I would say most stations
use a compressor/limiter in the audio chain but my limited technical
expertise would question whether this qualifies in the same category.  My
new station does extensive audio processing including an Orban processor and
a pair of PRIZM audio units and I believe there is a compression unit there,
working in real time as opposed to reducing file size.  Maybe Joe Gracey can
give a little better explanation between the 2.
Mike Hays
http://www.TwangCast.com  TM  RealCountry  24 X 7
Please Visit Then let us know what you think!

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