>>In my immense experience - i.e., 2 stations - some do, some don't.  WOBO
>>does, WYSO doesn't.  When you don't, it's hell on those broadcasters who
>>tend to use volume rather than pitch for emphasis and inflection
>> - not that I know that from my immense experience, of course, but I have
> this friend...
>   Could you further explan that last statement?

A compressor reduces the dynamic variation in a signal; if, as I do, you
have a tendency to raise your voice volume-wise to emphasize words or
syllables, applying compression to the station's output presents a more
consistent (though not flattened) volume level to the listener, which IMO is
a good thing.  I suspect that good announcers don't need it (at least, not
as much), but that's only a hypothesis, as I have don't have any personal
experience in that regard <g>.

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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