At 12:19 PM 99-02-14, David Cantwell wrote:
Last year I read a book written by June Juanico, an early girlfriend of
Elvis', that claimed that Takin Care Of Business was bowdlerized version of
TCB, that later took on a life of its own.  She maintained that it
originally stood for The Cherry Busters - since Elvis and his posse were
surrounded by willing young girls.

>Taking Care 0f Business (In a Flash). This was The King's personal
>logo/motto/ whatever in the last years of his touring life. His band and
>the mafia all had rings etc with the symbol, and he would give them out as
>gifts to others as well. 
>Just recently Graceland has started to market TCB stuff, so I now proudly
>wear my own TCB pin on my leather jacket. Thankyouverymuch. --dc
> At 10:54 AM 2/14/99 -0600, you wrote:
>>Can some explain to me what the initials "TCB" mean with regard to Elvis?
>>I'm asking about a sort of insignia with a lightning bolt in the middle
>>and the letters TCB above it.
>>many thanks,


John F Butland   O-

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