<< >Tommy Stinson recorded an EP and
 >a never-to-be-released album with his own band, Perfect; now, he is paying
 >the rent with Guns N' Roses, and the mind reels at the implications.
 . . . but this frightens me. Is this true?>>

Yes, veeery true. Tommy decided it was okay to have a gig for once in his life
that can allow him to sock some money away for his daughter. I suspect it's
also something to do the relieve the frustration of getting dicked over by his
label with Perfect, who pulled the plug on their very fine album in the
eleventh hour last summer.
 <<Poor Paul Westerberg. He spent his time in the Mats cracking jokes, and
 everyone took him seriously. Now, he spends his time taking himself
 seriously, and everyone thinks he's a joke.
 Lance . . . >>

Well, I for one think Suicaine Gratifaction is often quite moving. Finally
Westerberg gives up trying to recreate what once was and has settled in with
some middle-aged poignancy. That's okay by me. Besides, when he hits those
right vocal notes, as he does often enough on the new album, it reminds me
that no one, not even that Farrar fellow, can penetrate my soul like he can. 

Tireless defender, even if Hockeystick will disagree,

Neal Weiss

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