Arm in arm with Neal...

>(Tommy Stinson in Guns & Roses). . . but this frightens me. Is this true?

I keep getting this response from people upon hearing this news, and it
baffles me.  I think its great and I can't wait to hear what they come up
with.  GnR came from Sunset Strip Hairville, but it was their punk
influences opened the door for Nirvana.  Its not like Tommy has been Mr.
Profound and Prolific on his own, indeed even when he is good no one seems
to care, so I think he's a great fit for the band.  I miss seeing him play

>Poor Paul Westerberg. He spent his time in the Mats cracking jokes, and
>everyone took him seriously. Now, he spends his time taking himself
>seriously, and everyone thinks he's a joke.

Not everyone.  I think from now on the first time you hear a new Westerberg
record the initial reaction will be the same: "Oh, God, PAUL!"  Then once
you accept the fact that its not and will never be what it was again, you
can listen and enjoy the fact that he's still writing good - and some great
-  songs.  

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