On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I just wanted to say I have no arguments with either of  Kip's or Erin's
> stance on this. yeah the music biz can suck, but if you go into it with
> your eyes WIDE OPEN, it'll suck less.

 Do the people at these conferences
> make a lot of money? A qualified yes. They are running a business,
> providing a service.

        (Kip bites his tongue, says nothing) 
 Whether or not you think it's worth the price they ask
> you to pay is an individual choice.
        Fair enough.

 I know I'm speaking in cliches, but you
> only get out of it what you put into it. a positive attitude (hell, any
> kind of ATTITUDE) goes a long way (I'm surprising even myself here <g>) at
> these things.

        I'm willing to accept this, but I still have some problems with
the underlying concept of the beastie. That being said, I'd enjoy the heck
out of playing the Broken Spoke on Friday night, sure and I would.
(Congrats, Countrypolitans).


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