<< Other tv note -- Blondie was pretty great on Leno last night.  Debbie
 sounded good, but (drummer)
 Clem Burke was awesome. >>

You know, I can't stand Clem Burke. When he joined the Plimsouls a few years
back, he annoyed the hell out of me during live performances, playing with an
over-the-top presence that just pleaded "look at me, look at me." A complete
distraction, antics I hadn't seen since the stick-twirlers of Sunset Strip
circa late-80s. Yuck. Plus, I think he's just overrated as a drummer. Of
course, I am biased. As the story goes, a buddy of mine was supposed to get
the gig. He was even told by Case and all that he was the better of the
drummers, but that Clem had the star power. Sad when the Plimsouls, one of my
favorite bands of the 80s, are stooping to that.

Besides, I still think Case should stick to his wonderful solo career. When he
goes back to the Plimsouls, I can't help but feel that his best talents are
being compromised in order to dabble and rekindle his past.

Of course, I'll still see the Plimsouls, with or without Burke, any day of the

Neal Weiss

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