hmmm...maybe i am the only person who has seen this program. i have only seen
it once on the PBS station in the dallas/ft. worth area but have meant to look
for it again. not sure when it is on but i was amazed that is was being done
out of waco, tx which is the home of Baylor University, the baptist school
that did not allow dancin on it's campus until just a few years ago. not that
that had anything to do with the  Texas Music Cafe but i have never thought of
waco as a hotbed of music in Tx. 

it has been a while ago that i saw this program but it caught my attention
because a dallas area swing band, cowboys and indians, was one of the artists
becoming spotlighted. i thought the show was a noble effort but the production
on some of it was lacking. seems some of it was shot in theater/studio and
that part looked fine but the cowboys and indians segment was shot at a club
and lacked good camera work. i seem to recall the show did interviews with the
artists and spent time showing setup for the shows in the theaters. i can't
recall the other artists except to say there was a blues band and a female
folksinger. i have meant to look for the show again and now that i have been
reminded of i will.

i did think it was a noble effort for the waco folks and considering i have
only seen one show, i can hardly say more. hope this helps.


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