Tar Hut Jeff writes:

>priceline is horrible. those people are evil and they rob.

I don't know about that, but I've had no luck with them in three attempts.
Either they've been unable to get me a ticket or their fares have been
higher than the airlines' published ones.

Travelocity.com is pretty reliable, and much better than Microsoft's
Expedia. I've also had great luck with Worldspan, which is one of the
services that travel agents use. Unfortunately you can't get to them
directly; you have to go through a travel agent. There are lots of online
agents that work through them, though; it just takes some hunting around.

I booked my SXSW fare through Cheap Tickets (www.cheaptickets.com), who got
me a far lower fare than any others I'd seen. But they also sent me two
different sets of tickets--one I'd ordered and one I hadn't--and charged me
for both. I'm right in the middle of trying to get this straightened out,
but their customer service people have been very hard to reach so far. If
they refund the cost of the extra tickets, I'll be able to give them a
qualified recommendation--qualified because they screwed up and because
their customer relations are, shall we say, lacking.


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