On Wed, 24 Feb 1999 Rebecca wrote:

> I bought a Merle Haggard box set a few months ago and have greatly
> enjoyed it.  I recently saw in the Globe that he is coming to the Boston
> area in a couple of months and am wondering if he is worth going to see.
> What do you guys think?  Anyone seen him recently?  Would I be wasting
> my time/money?

A year and a half ago, Rebecca, Bostonian Stuart Munro and I went to NYC
(he drove the whole distance both ways) to see Merle at Tramp's. That's,
what, 9 hours of driving (and his car was literally falling apart on the
return trip) for 75 minutes of Merle. Neither of us felt cheated. (Of
course, it was easier for me.)

I can't imagine you'd enjoy it any less, but even if you did, it beats not
going and wondering. Or, worse, not going and then hearing later how good
it was.


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