At 21:48 +0100 on 1/12/99, George L. Figgs wrote:

> One thing that really makes a big difference in MP3 playback quality, in
> addition to 44khz/128kb encoding is the type of computer you are playing
> them on. I had a Mac with a 75Mhz 603 processor with only 22Khz sound
> output. needless to say, MP3's played back on that machine sounded
> terrible. now I bought a G3 and they do sound as good as cd's. Winamp or
> MacAmp seem to do a pretty go job playing MP3's. I use Sound Edit 16 for
> encoding.
Based on the mp3 thread it seems like there are quite a few macers on the
list. I don't know why that surprised me. Afterall there are several
reasons why macers should be abundant here:
1) People on this list obviously have good taste and a sense of quality
2) Mac (Apple) is surperior over Intel on sound and image
3) Mac is alternative, Intel is mainstream.

Made on a Macintosh
*  Tommy W. Nordeng
*  MCB, Institute of Biology, room 3102
*  University of Oslo
*  PB 1050 Blindern
*  0316 OSLO, NORWAY
*  tlf. +47 2285 4421/4594
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