Excerpts from internet.listserv.postcard2: 24-Feb-99 Another good quote
from the.. by Brad Bechtel@macromedia. 
> For every Lucinda there are 50 Freakwaters

I wish.  I liked Springtime a lot more than Car Wheels (or for that
matter, disc #4 by Billy Bragg & Wilco).  It's interesting that Lauryn
Hill apparently got more first-place votes than any other record, but
Williams's disc managed enough votes overall to beat it out.  Also
interesting that they included Dylan's record as a new release.

The Voice failed to mention that Robert Wyatt's Shleep, though released
by Hannibal UK in 1997, was issued domestically on Thirsty Ear in
January of 1998.

Carl Z. 

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