> On a personal note, I don't hold to the theory that is sometimes
> advanced
> here that artists are "forced" to bend to the will of producers
> against any
> artists' better judgment. I don't know jack about how to record an
> album,
> but I've always operated under the assumption that it's a
> collaborative
> process and that just maybe in the case of experienced artists, the
> artist
> has a bit of an upper hand in influencing the production of the album.
        [Matt Benz]  Unfortunately, Shane, this is true in alot of
cases: artists are frequently forced to bend to the will of the producer
in making records. That's not to say it always happens, or even happens
most of the time, but it does happen. Newly signed artists don't always
have the clout or experience to guide them. COurse, I can't think of any
examples right this minute (well, I can: Buddy Holly), but the "theory"
-while perhaps applied wistfully by fans -like Terry-who disagree with
production choices- is based on valid concerns and tales voiced by

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