Matt says:

> Unfortunately, Shane, this is true in alot of
> cases: artists are frequently forced to bend to the will of the producer
> in making records. That's not to say it always happens, or even happens
> most of the time, but it does happen.....the "theory"
> -while perhaps applied wistfully by fans -like Terry-who disagree with
> production choices- is based on valid concerns and tales voiced by
> performers.

I agree; it has happened, sometimes.  It will again.  The problems lie in 1)
a listener's inferring that it must have happened because s/he doesn't like
the result (e.g., with Ray Price, where the record is very clear that it
wasn't so), and 2) the assumption that if the artist had had freer reign,
s/he would have produced something that the listener making the assumption
would have liked better.

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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