Joe says:

> > >>>sing real loud through closed teeth. See?
> >
> > That way of singing has been his thing since he figured it our
> shortly after
> > he bagan singing. He said that he knew he had a different sound
> when he did
> > that.
> Yeah, and I also think he probably got that from guys like Bill Monroe.
> Seems like a bluegrass thing to me. In fact, I'd say George is very much
> like a bluegrass singer doing honky tonk music.

An interesting comment.  I'd say that the *technique* isn't especially a
bluegrass one - Monroe and most of the other major bluegrass singers of
Jones' younger days don't clench their jaws - but the emotional content of
that, the physical restraint/emotional outpouring dialectic, if you will
<g>, is a prominent feature of the style.  Jones has said (though it will
take me a while to find just where, David <g>) that he was influenced by
bluegrass, and there are some cuts on, for instance, the Jones/Montgomery
comp that are, as far as I'm concerned, bluegrass - though no doubt some
hardcore bluegrassers will rule them out by virtue of the drums.  They've
got good banjerpicking from Curtis McPeake, though, as well as dobro by the
recently-mentioned Shot Jackson.

Jon Weisberger  Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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