<<  Is there still
 space on Curry's 'acts we wouldnt mind seeing wiped from the earth' list?
 (Billy, not Ray.) >>

We tried to eradicate Joel when Curry was in LA and this here game was
spawned, but I think it was Corrie MoM who held a spot of nostalgia for Joel
and thus refused to pull the trigger. For those who didn't latch on to Curry's
post the first time, this is a wonderful game for music geeks everywhere.
Again, the basic premise, try to come up with an artist that all can agree
should be eradicated from the earth, their history taken with them. The three
main stipulations: it can't be someone obvious like Michael Bolton nor obscure
like countless 80s one hit wonders, plus, if you eradicate a solo career you
eradicate everything that came before it as well. For example, I would have
glady eradicated Sting but not the Police. 

Try it some time with a couple few friends. It seems three people is the
minimum and five or six may be heading toward futility. It's good fun to
discover where your peers secret and not so secret fandom often lives. Plus,
it gets you chatting quite a bit about music in general. The night after we
stumbled across it, we posed it again to an editor-friend of mine in an LA
club. She jumped right in and was so involved that she sent me e-mails the
next two days listing possible candidates. 

Good fun... booze highly recommended for proper gaming experience. 

Neal Weiss, who wanted to eradicate Asia (Curry said no) and was very
passionate about losing REO Speedwagon (my wifey said no).

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