In a message dated 2/27/99 3:29:26 AM Central Standard Time,

<< I cannot give much credibility to Mr. Kott for
 example, who seems to attach a "neutralized barb" to his wiriting and then
 happily wanders back into mainstream appeal.  It just gives me the
 impression that he doesn't want to make any enemies and at the same time he
 cloaks his true feelings.  >>

I'm pretty sure Kot is not one to cloak his true feelings. He puts his
reputation on the line for some offbeat choices.  I respect that.  Also, he's
been good about covering "stuff we like" as long as it's been around.  Seems
to like it, although he did tell me once that he does make a point to include
at least one negative thing in every review in order to insure his
credibility.  That stuck with me as a question mark.  It was in the context of
a sort of off-hand coaching session in front of a loud stage and behind a
couple cold ones, so probably would benefit from elaboration on his part.  

Disclosure:  I don't talk to him much, and only at shows, but he has been
super supportive and helpful to li'l me, with no particular need to be.  I
like that in a person.


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