Hey all-

I don't normally do things like this, but I feel I should in this case.
Today, Bob Starker of the Sovines, a person who many of you have met and
became friends with, suffered the loss of his apartment  due to fire. I
have not been able to talk to him yet, but from what I understand, they
were able to go in and retrieve some items, but the building will probably
be condemmed. I'm hoping that their worldy goods have only been smoke
damaged, but you know how that goes. The fire was mostly on the other side
of the building, but on their floor and the floor above. One of their cats
remains missing.

Bob-like most musicians, struggles to stay afloat, and I fear that his
computer equipment, essential to his work, may well be lost. Not to mention
his grandfathers Martin Acoustic guitar. Since so many of you have got to
know Bob at Twangfest 1 & 2, and other times, I come to you and ask that
those of you who can, please send a small donation to the address below, so
that we can do something to help get him back on his feet. Of course, if
they can recover their possessions more or less intact, I will let the list
know, but right now, it looks grim.

Thank you one and all,

Matthew Benz
305 West 6th Ave
Columbus, OH 43201

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