Iain Noble wrote:

> >Looks like I have a good chance on interviewing Ringo and trying to get ready.
> >Anyone have any ideas on "different" questions to ask him other than the same
> >old crap?
> >Thanks in advance for any tips, I have a feeling I will have to remind myself
> >to not drool, so I want to be really prepared.
> >Nancy
> >
> Is it true he took tins of baked beans with him when they went to
> stay with the Maharishi in India? And did he realy say that the
> M's place was just like Butlin's?

.One of the more interesting discoveries of my first trip there is that the English
eat beans on toast for breakfast, put them on baked potatoes, and god knows what
else.  Other than that the English food was not bad.  Sturdy stuff.  As John Cleese
once said to the question of why English food sucked: "We had an empire to run, we
didn't have time to develop a cuisine!"  The beer looked great and made me miss it
terribly. Twang content: had a lovely time in a Sheffield pub with Iain listening
to the Hillybilly Cats. Reviews to follow, but must get to work.


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