<< So they made a ragin full on glossy pop album, eh? Ok, so how fare the
 songs under Tweedy's increasingly raspy vocals, which would seem to
 these ears to defy glossy pop, at least the 70's kind David C refers to
 throughout his fine review. Or did Tweedy clear his throat finally? <g> >>

By no means would I call it ragin' full-on glossy. It's still Wilco, still
ragged, still loose, still throaty. They can only be so glossy and pop, no
matter how hard they tried. One of favorite things about Tweety is that he
always sounds as if he's either nearing sleep or just having woken up. Summer
Teeth doesn't lose that. Combine that with pop hooks and some dark-ass lyrics
and that's what makes it so damn interesting to me. 

Neal Weiss

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