Sounds interesting enough to give a listen. And don't think I don't like
pop, so even if it was real glossy, I could take it. Those Rasberries
singles around my house weren't ignored while growing up. 

But tt is a *single* disc, isn't it?


> -----Original Message-----
> By no means would I call it ragin' full-on glossy. It's still Wilco,
> still
> ragged, still loose, still throaty. They can only be so glossy and
> pop, no
> matter how hard they tried. One of favorite things about Tweety is
> that he
> always sounds as if he's either nearing sleep or just having woken up.
> Summer
> Teeth doesn't lose that. Combine that with pop hooks and some dark-ass
> lyrics
> and that's what makes it so damn interesting to me. 
> Neal Weiss

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