>I believe she's the woman who played the main female character in Jim
>Jarmusch's "Stranger Than Paradise."  I think I remember reading something
>about her father being a jazz musician, but I could have been halucinating.
> I also seem to remember reading something about her releasing a CD.
>Jamie D., who is absolutely positive she's at work right now, but not of
>much else

Jamie's got that exactly right.

Mrs. Hockestix and I  actually saw Ms. Bolint  open for Freakwater some
months ago; you can see it made for an, uh, interesting evening. Esther'ss
still a resident of the same East Village she sludged through to the dulcet
tones of Screamin' Jay Hawkins in my old friend Mr. Jarmusch's picture.

Her music was DEFINITELY in the stolen by gypsies vein--but wanted at times
to have a sort of twang twinge...(There's a new genre for ya--Twinge)...
Screamin Jay, unfortunately, did not attend.

Barry M.

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