>Isn't Dusty supposed to be inducted into the RnR Hall of Fame this year?
>damn late IMO.
>She was amazing. RIP.

Yeah, and she can soak up what's left of the spotlight after Billy Joel and
Paul McCartney have besmirched it. And don't forget Bruce's fist-pumping
anthems with the reunited E-street Band. Good thing that's DEFINITLEY NOT a
marketing strategy to help his fans forget he: A) Owns an acoustic guitar
that doesn't include a band, B) Might have a politically-oriented conscience
that politicians couldn't exploit with a 10-foot pole, or C) Is a folkie and
not the average-guy multi-millionaire rock 'n' roller like the rest of us
greasemonkeys. Brooooooooce!!!!

Poor Dusty. Poor Curtis. They're being inducted into an institution both of
them are two classy for--in every sense of the word : )

Lance . . .

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