Eminem AKA Marshall Mathers is a pissy 24-year old white welfare kid from
Detroit. His new album, The Slim Shady LP, is just out on Aftermath Records
- the label run by Dr. Dre (who produced the albums insidiously catchy
single "Hi! My Name Is..." among other tracks on the album).  Now that the
Beastie Boys are nice men busy ohm-ing in Tibet, the way is clear for Eminem
to assume their title as the Smartass with the Skills.  I saw him a few
weeks ago and he's GOT IT.

I advise the bulk of this lists subscribers to avoid it at all costs.  xojns

>From: "Shane S. Rhyne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "passenger side" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: M&Ms?
>Date: Fri, Mar 5, 1999, 5:49 PM

>Someone (I have forgotten who, in this seemingly unending back log of
>e-mail... you people do have other hobbies, jobs, etc., don't you?)
>mentioned Eminem (sp?) earlier in the week.
>I had never heard of him/her/them until then, but received this link in my
>weekly e-mail from Rolling Stone...
>I have no idea what the excitement is all about...
>Take care,
>Shane Rhyne
>Knoxville, TN
>NP: Eminem's video on my computer... yawn...
  • M&Ms? Shane S. Rhyne
    • Jennifer Sperandeo

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