Hey there,

I posted this over on the Fluff list so I figured I'd send it here too.
All trash talking, gloating, sulking, etc. will take place on the Fluff


--------- Forwarded message ----------
OK, I've created a group for us on the ESPN Web site. It's pretty self
explanatory but the basics are:

Go to the espn web site
Go to the Tournament Challenge
Sign up (for free) by giving them vital information
Join a group, the group being "Twangfest" (no quotes)
The password is "twang" (again no quotes)

<So I wasnt that imaginative>

Make your entres between March 7 and 11:30 ET on March 11.

Have fun

There is no gambling invovled in this one, but there might (MIGHT) be a
prize of some sort. 

Keep in mind this will involve paying attention to NCAA Hoops during
SXSW. Heh.


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