Carl Z.:
     >Perhaps in two years, we'll see math-country ( fused with 
     >the very Frippian loud indie rock known as math-rock).
     hoorah! ... actually, Carl, weren't those Terry-irking stop-start 
     (Minutemen-influenced) Uncle Tupelo songs math country, basically? 
     (I'm thinking for instance of most of Farrar's stuff on Still Feel 
     Gone). if I were a good enough musician i'd run out and start a 
     math-country band right now - i'd love to hear, er, Neko Case 
     fronting a band like Don Caballero, which has lots of great moments 
     but really isn't interesting enough to get by without vocals/songs.
     my other obsession is starting an alt-countryish group with a 
     turntablist. Richard Buckner with the Invisibl Scratch Picklz, anyone?
     (fluffy today)
     carl w.

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